Jozef Lengyel

Emmy Noether Junior Group Leader
Chair of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry

Phone: +49-89-289-13411

CV in short
Alexander von Humboldt postdoc (TU Munich, 2018-2020)
Lise-Meitner postdoc (Uni Innsbruck, 2016-2017)
Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry (UCT Prague, 2015)
MSc. in Chemistry/Physical Chemistry (TU Bratislava, 2011)
BSc. in Chemical Technology (TU Bratislava, 2009)

Selected publications:
(1) Lengyel et al.: Carbide dihydrides: Carbonaceous species identified in Ta4+‐mediated methane dehydrogenation, Angew Chem Int Ed 2020, 59(52), 23631–23635.
(2) Lengyel et al.: Oxidation enhances aerosol nucleation: Measurement of kinetic pickup probability of organic molecules on hydrated acid clusters, J Phys Chem Lett 2020, 11(6), 2101–2105.
(3) Lengyel et al.: Irregular shapes of water clusters generated in supersonic expansions, Phys Rev Lett 2014, 112(11), 113401.